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sjgui::CEditCtrlTmpl< Ttext > Class Template Reference

Edit field. More...

#include <edit.h>

Inheritance diagram for sjgui::CEditCtrlTmpl< Ttext >:

sjgui::classic::CEditTmpl< Ttext > sjgui::modern::CEditTmpl< Ttext > List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Animate ()
 Animate cursor.

virtual void KeyDown (int &iKey)
 Process pressed keys.

virtual void OnFocusRecv ()
 Switches off ignoring of the key repeates.

virtual void OnFocusDism ()
 Switches on ignoring of the key repeates and hides cursor.

 CEditCtrlTmpl ()
 Sets defaults.

void SetText (const char *str)
 Set text for editing.

const char * GetText ()
 Get text.

void SetBlinkPeriod (long miliseconds)
 Set blinking rate in milliseconds.

long GetBlinkPeriod ()
 Get blinking rate in milliseconds.

Detailed Description

template<class Ttext>
class sjgui::CEditCtrlTmpl< Ttext >

Edit field.

Edit class. Allows edit one line of the text.

Ttext - text class (use CTextTmpl<>). Has cursor, which can be moved left, right, to the beginning or the end of the text. Responds to key down events. It also uses IgnoreRepeates() function to switch it on and of when focus is received or dismissed. Characters could be inserted or deleted. These are controls
DELETE key : removes character after cursor; BACKSPACE key : removes character before cursor; LEFT key : moves cursor to the left; RIGHT key : moves cursor to the right; HOME key : moves cursor to the beginning of the text; END key : moves cursor to the end of the text; LEFT MOUSE button : moves cursor to the position under the mouse;
See also:
Alexander Shyrokov

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Started by Alexander Shyrokov. Generated at Wed Apr 28 12:31:05 2004 for the sjgui by doxygen 1.3.1. Logo