sjgui::CTextBoxCtrlTmpl< Ttext, Tslider, Tbase > Class Template ReferenceText with horizontal and vertical sliders. More...
Inheritance diagram for sjgui::CTextBoxCtrlTmpl< Ttext, Tslider, Tbase >: ![]()
Detailed Descriptiontemplate<class Ttext, class Tslider, class Tbase>
Text with horizontal and vertical sliders.
Ttext | - text class (use CText) |
Tslider | - label for caption (use CSlider) |
Tbase | - base class (use CWndCtrl) Employees sliders to scroll through the text. Allows text automatically scroll up when a new line is added. The reason why it does not have CText as a base class is reshaping option, so I would need to adjust drawing area of the CText. |
Index of the selected line.
Show/Hide back plane. Disable if you want text floating above whatever is under it. Then it is your responsibility to make sure text color is different from the background color. |
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