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sjgui::CLabelCtrlTmpl< Tbase > Class Template Reference

Text label. More...

#include <label.h>

Inheritance diagram for sjgui::CLabelCtrlTmpl< Tbase >:

sjgui::CFont sjgui::classic::CLabelTmpl< Tbase > sjgui::modern::CLabelTmpl< Tbase > sjgui::extra::CFPSLabel sjgui::extra::CFPSLabelDropIn List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void OnDraw ()
 Draws label.

virtual void OnReshape ()
 Update text position.

void SetColor (GLfloat *Color)
 Set color of the text.

void SetColor (GLfloat R, GLfloat G, GLfloat B, GLfloat A=1.0f)
 Set color of the text.

float * GetColor ()
 Get color of the text.

void SetText (const char *str)
 Set text.

const char * GetText ()
 Get text.

void SetHAlign (CWnd::eAligns e)
 Set horizontal align.

CWnd::eAligns GetHAlign ()
 Get horizontal align.

void SetVAlign (CWnd::eAligns e)
 Set vertical align.

CWnd::eAligns GetVAlign ()
 Get vertical align.

void SetAlign (CWnd::eAligns eH=CWnd::ALIGN_CENTER, CWnd::eAligns eV=CWnd::ALIGN_CENTER)
 Set horizontal and vertical align options.

unsigned int GetTextLen ()
 Get length of the text.

Protected Member Functions

void Adjust ()
 Recalculate text drawing pos.

virtual void OnUpdatePos ()
 Updates alignment.

Protected Attributes

std::string m_strText
 Displayed text.

float m_Color [4]
 Displayed color.

CWnd::eAligns m_eVAlign
 Vertical align.

CWnd::eAligns m_eHAlign
 Horizontal align.

CWnd::CRect m_TextPos
 Position of the text on the screen.

Detailed Description

template<class Tbase>
class sjgui::CLabelCtrlTmpl< Tbase >

Text label.

Tbase - base class for the label (based on CWndCtrlBase) Text label. Displays aligned text. Color can be changed
Alexander Shyrokov

Member Function Documentation

template<class Tbase>
void sjgui::CLabelCtrlTmpl< Tbase >::Adjust  )  [inline, protected]

Recalculate text drawing pos.

Based on m_TextPos and alignment.

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Started by Alexander Shyrokov. Generated at Wed Apr 28 12:31:06 2004 for the sjgui by doxygen 1.3.1. Logo