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sjgui::classic::CWndCtrl Class Reference

Base class for classic sytle. More...

#include <classic.h>

Inheritance diagram for sjgui::classic::CWndCtrl:

sjgui::CWndCtrlBase sjgui::CWnd List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Draw ()

Protected Attributes

GLfloat m_DarkSideCol [4]
 Color of the dark side border.

GLfloat m_BrightSideCol [4]
 Color of the ligted side border.

CWnd::CRect m_3dBorder
 3d border is outside of this rect.

Detailed Description

Base class for classic sytle.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void sjgui::classic::CWndCtrl::Draw  )  [inline, virtual]


This class usually handles global parameters as enabled/disabled appearance or focused/unfocused, so we would like to draw not only before, but also after child windows are drawn.

Reimplemented from sjgui::CWnd.

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Started by Alexander Shyrokov. Generated at Wed Apr 28 12:31:07 2004 for the sjgui by doxygen 1.3.1. Logo